Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage is a project by artist and filmmaker Rosa Barba following an invitation by Point Centre for Contemporary Art in Nicosia and curator Mirjam Varadinis to propose and realize a project in Cyprus.

The work proposed by the artist in 2013, started in 2014 and consists of two parts: a film and a long-term open-air cinema installation. The project was then presented to the Italian Council and received the first prize at the international competition (Third Edition) in 2018, and was awarded a grant from DGAAP (Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Peripheries), Italy.

Barba’s film is exclusively shot in Cyprus, including underwater shots of the Mazotos shipwreck, as well as aerial shots from archaeological sites. It is an investigation into the loaded, transforming topography that is already palpable in the landscape, before we actually understand what language it creates for our society. In that, the film follows Barba’s artistic approach to examine liminal states which manifest in between contested spaces, both mentally and geographically, in order to allow for a new perspective. The inaugural screening took place in Autumn 2021 at the open-air cinema installation in the Buffer Zone.

Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021

16mm film transferred to digital and 8k film, sound, 31:15 min

Produced by Point Centre for Contemporary Art, funded by the Italian Council. A collaboration with Famagusta Avenue Garage.

Images: Film still © Rosa Barba

Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021 has been on display at the following locations:

SCHAUWERK, Sindelfingen, 2024 2024

MALI – Museo de Arte de Lima, 2024

OFFSCREEN, Paris, 2023

GIAF, Gangneung Museum of Art, 2023

cccod, Tours, 2022

Esther Schipper, Berlin, 2021

Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021 has been screened at the following locations:

Floating Cinema, Venice, 2023

NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, 2023

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, 2023

Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam, 2022

Lo schermo dell'arte, Florence, 2022

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 2022

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Paris, 2022


South Film and Arts Academy Festival (SFAAF) - Chile - Best Experimental Short Film, 2021