Disseminate and Hold investigates human-made geographies and landscapes, and how these are often deeply enmeshed with political agendas and utopian visions. The film work introduces the Minhocão (or “Big Worm”)—an elevated highway that runs through the heart of São Paulo. Built in the 1970s, with the intention of doubling traffic capacity into the center of the city, the highway has always been synonymous with darker political undertones. Reflecting on the traces that history leaves on the landscape and urban environment, the film suggests that these changes often only manifest themselves in a society’s subconscious ‘screen’.


Disseminate and Hold, 2016

16mm film transferred to digital, sound, 21:13 min

Images 1 - 4: Film still © Rosa Barba
Image 5: Installation view at Secession, Vienna, 2017. Photo: Oliver Ottenschläger © Rosa Barba

Disseminate and Hold, 2016 has been on display at the following locations:

Sao Paulo biennial 2016

Arco Madrid, 2017 (Parra Romero)

Malmö Konsthall, 2017

Secession, Vienna, 2017

Void, Derry, 2018

Remai Modern, 2018

Disseminate and Hold, 2016 has been screened at the following locations:

Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College, 2023

EYE Amsterdam, 2017

IFFR Rotterdam, 2017

HangarBicocca, Milan, 2017 (Finissage event)

transmediale Berlin, 2018

VIDEONALE.scope #7, 2019

Porto/Post/Doc, 2021