The installation Coro Spezzato: The Future Lasts One Day consists of five 16mm projectors setting up a chorus, inspired by the Venetian polychoral style of the late Renaissance and early Baroque era: a type of music which involved spatially separate choirs singing in alternation. As the predominant theocentric world view was slowly replaced by humanistic ideas, profane subjects entered the choirs’ singing. The lyrics projected on the walls as text fragments make a statement for the future and analyse the contemporary status quo in a multitude of voices. The projectors are synched with each other and speed up or slow down according to the text flow. They are following a choreographed order by capturing a moment of reformation and translating it into a silent choreography.
Coro Spezzato: The Future Lasts One Day, 2009
5 x 16mm color film, 5 modified projectors on pedestals, 5 min. each
Images: Installation view at Venice Biennale, 2009 © Rosa Barba